Real Wedding – Michaela & Suraj

In this Blog we will be looking back at the Real Wedding of Michaela and Suraj and how we incorporated multicultural elements and favourite films into this glorious outdoor wedding.

Where: The Stables at Tannington Hall, Suffolk

When: August 2024

Who: Michaela and Suraj

1st Contact: I received a contact form via my website in April 2023 as the manager of the venue, Jules, had recommended me to them. We set up a video call to discuss their ideas and a couple of days later the booking fee was paid.

We first met at their home in Oxfordshire the following February. I combined this with a family weekend away, so whilst they occupied themselves at Blenheim Palace, I got planning with our Nearlyweds.  I made the usual notes and realised that we have similar shared interests in TV and film including the Studio Ghibli movies so I felt we had a connection. However, on this occasion my mind got over excited (must have been the long drive home) and I took their ceremony on a very scifi, Star Wars based theme – this was not what they had in mind!!

Undeterred, I produced a more traditional script but instead incorporated readings that were more meaningful to them, including one from ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ a favourite film of the bride. This was received much more favourably and they felt reassured that I hadn’t completely lost my creative mind.

Wedding Day: I arrived at the venue an hour ahead of  ceremony time as usual. This gives me the opportunity to help with any loose ends or in this case, help to label the guest seating (I always recommend doing this for bridal party and immediate family as well as anyone who has any mobility, vision or hearing needs – it means the rest of your guests can just fill the gaps).

The groom had been working up a storm all morning and had to hide out of the way when the bride arrived to get ready. He also hadn’t accounted for those guests who arrive early and want to chat when there are still things to be done or for the family members who turn up when the bride should be walking down the aisle! It all worked out perfectly though so no worries there.

We held the ceremony with a huge Willow tree as a back drop on the edge of a lake. The weather was kind and there was a lovely amount of cloud cover to help the photographer and a nice breeze to help me, though not bother my hem line! As expected the bride looked gorgeous as she was escorted down the aisle by her dad and then we were ready to start. I had no sooner introduced myself and welcomed the guests than a noisy helicopter decided to fly overhead so we paused to let him pass, giving him a wave as he went.

To commence the ceremony we adapted a Hindu tradition of exchanging Varmaila or flower gardens to welcome the bride and groom into the family and had their mum’s present a garland to their new son and daughter in law – a really touching moment for kisses, congratulations and hugs. We also created personalised vows around Michaela and Suraj’s chosen keywords – these are values such a fun, friendship, loyalty and love that the couple chose and I turn them into vows they can make to each other. We sealed the deal with a hand-fasting using ribbons that corresponded to their colour scheme and in a nod to their early date nights where they binge watched Game of Thrones, I attached some little charms to the end representing some of the icons from the series such as a throne and a dragon.

Celebrant Led:  Tannington Hall does not have a wedding licence and so this ceremony could only be conducted by a Celebrant and thankfully we have built a relationship that means they are happy to recommend me to prospective couples. The relationship between a venue and their recommended suppliers is huge, it means that they know the suppliers will do a brilliant job and reflect well on them, we know that the venue will look after us and take time to check in with us as well as the guests to make sure we are fed and watered and that we all somehow share the same energy, vibe and vision which means everything usually goes like clockwork or we all adapt to produce the best result possible.

I also worked with the photographers in terms of logistics for activity and who would work in what space and in this case Michaela and Suraj had a guest who was using a drone and recording video footage. We got our heads together before the guests were seated to plan when she would remove herself from the ceremony area to switch on the drone and the instructions we wanted to give the guests like to wave and cheer and finally to blow bubbles as the couple walked down the aisle – it was brilliant and very eco friendly!

Supplier Love:

Venue: The Stables at Tannington Hall.

Cake: Made by the Bride!

Photography: Sophie Oldhamstead Photography, assisted by Carl of Sixeightweddings



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